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Abstract:   (2450 Views)
Many studies have been done on government from the perspective of the Qur'an. But there is less research on the emerging concept of governance, its model and its main components. Therefore, the main purpose of this article was to identify the general model of governance from the perspective of the Holy Quran. The method used in this report is the method of “Thematic Interpretation Methods of the Quran”, according to which after specifying the subject and finding the appropriate keyword, the relevant Ayahs were examined based on it. After the initial review, the word “Tabaeit” was chosen, which basically refers to “to follow”, and this meaning was very close to the central concept of governance. Hence, “Tabaeit” became the main keyword of this study. In reviewing the Ayahs, a normative approach was avoided in order to draw clearer implications for governance by paying attention to Qur'anic presuppositions and descriptions. Finally, the results of the research were presented as a model of governance in the Holy Quran in three axes of “follower”, “following” and “to follow”, which are the pillars of “Tabaeit”.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: General
ePublished: 2020/11/21

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