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Hamzehpoor M, Javadi M. Explaining and Comparing Theoretical Foundations of Knowledge Management from Point of View of Islam and West. فصلنامه تحقیقات بنیادین علوم انسانی 2016; 2 (3) :31-58
URL: http://frh.sccsr.ac.ir/article-1-41-en.html
Assistant Professor of Industrial Management Faculty of Management School, University of Imam Sadeq (AS) (Author)
Abstract:   (2920 Views)
In the current era, knowledge has been considered the first strategic resource for people and organizations and some organizations will be successful which create new knowledge and spread it widely across the organization and quickly this new knowledge into technologies and new products. Scientific and business communities both believe that the organizations can maintain their competitive advantages in the long-term areas by leveraging knowledge. In order to achieve organizational success in the field of knowledge and achieving the power of knowledge, the recognition of f the theoretical principles of knowledge management seems as a necessary issue.
Knowledge management philosophy has been known as a discipline in Islamic and the Western views known and could be considered an economical source of strength and prosperity. Focusing on the knowledge management philosophy and comparing the traditional and modern knowledge and its attitude lead to discover the new ways through it knowledge is known and the management is applied. Due to Western view, the ultimate source of knowledge is human while in Islam view, God is the ultimate source of knowledge. Islam has the most complete features and no school, as Islam, has valued knowledge by wisdom and recognition and no religion, as Islam, has warned human beings by the danger of ignorance.
The purpose of this article is to explain the theoretical foundations of knowledge management in West and to reread and compare it based on the religious epistemology and theoretical foundations of Islam. After understanding the knowledge management deeply and the essential difference between the Western and Islamic views, the status will be prepared to replace the religious theoretical foundations with the existing foundations.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: General
ePublished: 2016/12/20

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