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Rafiei Alavi S E, Montazer F. Legitimate uses of language in the interpretation of modern law. فصلنامه تحقیقات بنیادین علوم انسانی 2023; 9 (1) :173-173
URL: http://frh.sccsr.ac.ir/article-1-521-en.html
Abstract:   (1646 Views)
  Paying attention to the effects of language in the law in the stages of enactment, implementation and interpretation of a judicial text can be considered as one of the growth factors of any legal system; An important matter that has been neglected in our legal system. This research has explored the uses of language in law using descriptive and library methods. The proven hypothesis shows that there is a meaningful relationship between the linguistics of modern law in regard to the text, intention and social context of the understanding of the law, which can be used as an end-oriented reasoning towards disciplined evidence, systematic moral values, consequentialism and legitimate ambiguity in the interpretation of the rules of procedure or internal regulations. Parliament should be held to promote objective and practical rule of law.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: General
ePublished: 2023/05/31

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