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AligoliFirouzjahi J. Creativity models in psychology and the presentation of a model of creativity based on Islamic resources. فصلنامه تحقیقات بنیادین علوم انسانی 2018; 3 (4) :97-128
URL: http://frh.sccsr.ac.ir/article-1-77-en.html
Ph.D. Student of Quran and Psychology of Al-Mustafa University
Abstract:   (2731 Views)
Developing creative thinking and preventing its obstacles depends on understanding the components of creativity and their relationship with each other. Several patterns of creativity have been proposed, claiming the exact explanation of these components and the relationships between them. The purpose of this research is to examine the concept of creativity and extract its components in the teachings of Islam, as well as compare it with the pattern of creativity presented by Amabile and Urban. The data of this research are collected by Delphi method and analyzed by descriptive-analytical method. The results of the research show that all three patterns are based on general and specialized information, experience, thinking and motivation. However, they differ in details. The pattern taken from Islamic sources, in addition to these, emphasizes the facilitation of a personality and context based on faith. It also involves strengthening the spirit of effort in the formation and growth of creativity.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: General
ePublished: 2018/03/19

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