XML Persian Abstract Print

Associate professor and faculty member of Management and Accounting of Allame Tabataba'i University
Abstract:   (1948 Views)
Theories in management sometimes are in the process of solving organizational problems, sometimes looking for an image of an organization, and sometimes to document a practical and objective experience and sometimes to provide frameworks and a map of ways to think and manage knowledge itself. This article seeks to present a knowledge map of Islamic management as a framework for mapping and mapping the way for management knowledge. The main issue of this research is the lack of a road map for the theorizing in the field of Islamic management that would provide theoretical and practical coherence.
Hence, five key questions are answered in this research. Question 1: What is the selected theory of science? Second question: What is selected theory in religion and religious knowledge? Third question: What is selected theory in relation to religion and science? Question 4: What is selected theory in the methodology of Islamic management? Question 5: What Is Islamic Management Issues?
In this research, a variety of approaches to religious knowledge will be discussed. Encyclopedic theory in religious knowledge, hermeneutical theory of religious understanding and religious knowledge, bill theory and the theoretical expansion of Sharia in religious knowledge, selection theory in religious knowledge, Mu'tazilite and Ash'arist theory in religious knowledge. Also, a variety of approaches to Islamic management science were investigated, including the inferential approach (formalization and signing), the refinement and completion approach, the eclectic approach, and the comparative approach. In the field of methodology, both the sources of knowledge and the authority of each source and the way of knowledge analysis were examined.
In terms of Islamic management issues, it is possible to consider at the national (state) level of government and government ethics of the system's agents and fegh of al-Sissa. At the level of trade, finance and commerce, business ethics and fegh are considered at the administrative level, administrative ethics, and management fegh.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: General
ePublished: 2018/03/19

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