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A Historical Review on the Establishment of Supporting Knowledge Management for the Transformation of the Humanities. فصلنامه تحقیقات بنیادین علوم انسانی 2020; 5 (4) :93-122
URL: http://frh.sccsr.ac.ir/article-1-153-en.html
Abstract:   (3199 Views)
In this research, the historical story of the transformation of the humanities after the Islamic Revolution has been narrated and the critical and transformational confrontation with modern humanities has been examined as three historical periods. From the proclamation of the "Cultural Revolution" to that of the "Software Movement" (1980-2000), it has been considered as the first period that began with the emergence of religious transformational ideas in the early years of the revolution, but for some reason was eventually dominated by positivist attitudes in the universities. In the second period (2000-2009), the effects and reflections of the Software Movement's discourse plan by the Supreme Leader of the Revolution on the scientific environment of the country's universities and the re-maturation of the transformation of the humanities in the country are mentioned. In examining this period, both negative efforts in "Critique of the Philosophy and Epistemology of Western Humanities" and positive efforts to explain the "principles and foundations of Islamic humanities" have been discussed. In the study of the third period (2009-2020), referring to the theoretical and intellectual roots of the sedition of 2009, it is explained how this political event caused "Western humanities" to be considered as a "strategic challenge" in the country's administration and the concrete, practical and prescriptive aspect of the humanities, to be more prominent. After examining the experience of institutionalization and documenting the management of science of the Islamic Republic in the third period, the implications of the historical experience of these three periods are discussed. As a result of these implications, the need to establish an interdisciplinary field of study and new knowledge that is responsible for the study and research in the field of " Management of the Transformation of Humanities " has been emphasized and some of the missions and requirements for the establishment of this new knowledge have been mentioned.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: General
ePublished: 2020/02/20

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