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Musazadeh Z, Haghkhah M, Soltanzadeh Pesian M. Comparison of effective administrative factors on organizational silence from perspective of management science and Islamic viewpoint. فصلنامه تحقیقات بنیادین علوم انسانی 2016; 2 (3) :143-170
URL: http://frh.sccsr.ac.ir/article-1-45-en.html
Assistant professor in University of Imam Sadigh (PBUH), female campus, Tehran, Iran (Corresponding author).
Abstract:   (2917 Views)
The current research has been conducted in order to carry out comparative analysis of effective managerial factors on organizational silence from perspective of management science and Islamic viewpoint by means of text analysis method. The statistical population of this study included Holy Quran and narratives from Pure Imams (PBUT) and experts of religious and educational sciences. The statistical sample was selected by means of purposive sampling technique along with that class of Quranic verses and narratives which were related to them and the group of experts comprised of 11 specialists in religious and educational sciences. The standardized questionnaire was employed to receive confirmation of the extracted categories proportional to research goals. Based on findings of the present study, the difference of concept of organizational silence in Islamic outlook from management science includes employees’ refusal to express their own comments, ideas, and concerns in rightful position and with observance of divine terms regarding organizational problems and issues at various administrative levels and other personnel who can remove such problems. The effective administrative factors on organizational silence were conceptualized according to Islamic teachings in three general concepts i.e. inefficient relations, barriers against good relations, lack of insight and expert knowledge and skills, each of these concepts comprised of several categories and subcategories. Whereas some of variables of organizational silence in management science relating to the extracted factors from Islamic teachings originate from natural or temperamental dimensions of human and are concerned with human development thus similar aspects were observed between effective administrative factors on organizational silence in management science and Islamic approach. One can refer to some of them including variables of fear from negative feedback in directors and tendency to reject or give negative answers to the opposite comments, ignorance of directors toward informal requests of personnel, implicit beliefs of managers, behaviors that remove trust, poor health of superior management, and discriminative behavior. Similarly, due to presence of differences in terms of ideology, teleology, philosophy, anthropology, and goals in fundamentals of management science and Islamic teachings, some differences were derived from some of these variables out of which one can refer to right-centrism in Islam and pluralism in management sciences as the foremost factors. Each of the extracted concepts, categories, and subcategories from this study may be widely used in the field of organizational behavior thereby one can improve the relations among personnel of organization with each other.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: General
ePublished: 2016/12/20

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