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Moradinasab H, Raeesi M M. Existential Dimensions Analysis of the Input System of the Traditional Iranian Houses Based on the Synovia Four Causes Case Study: Qajar Houses of Yazd. فصلنامه تحقیقات بنیادین علوم انسانی 2021; 7 (3) :195-195
URL: http://frh.sccsr.ac.ir/article-1-375-en.html
Abstract:   (1340 Views)
Problem statement: Causality is the most fundamental principle of any thought. In Ibn Sina's view, causality is a relationship that as a result, the phenomenon does not only occur outside That is to say, this inward and outward reaction is a combination of functional, geographical, cultural and social influences.
Goals: The purpose of this study is to explain the reasons for the existence of the entrance system of the traditional houses of Yazd during the Qajar period through the thought of the sinew. Ibn Sina discusses the four causes in the Quaternary System of Causes in the Book of Signs and Punishments: 1-The cause of nature: The material and formal cause 2-Reason for Existence: The actual and final cause. In this research, after referring to the physical components of the traditional home entrance system, the reasons for the existence of each of the input elements are based on the four causes of Sinai with respect to the impact of each of the physical, functional, perceptual and behavioral, cultural and semantic factors. Then since, for Ibn Sina, causation plays an important role in acquiring knowledge, we read the epistemological reading of the whole system of Yazd's traditional houses in the form of behavioral and subjective teleology.
Methodology: The research method is a descriptive-analytical one which was carried out through documentary and library studies, qualitative and quantitative reading.
Conclusion: In conclusion, while presenting the research model, it was found that in the domain of the final, formal causes based on the perceptual-behavioral dimension of the traditional Yazd home entrance system, one can expect the realization and appropriateness of privacy conditions. And in the field of ultimate causal causes, the pursuit of introspection and privacy based on human dignity, in Islamic monotheistic insights, is the ultimate goal of alignment and adjoining elements of Yazd's residential housing system.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: General
ePublished: 2021/12/1

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